
sharing is green

sometimes sharing is the hardest green thing to do; sharing mom's attention, sharing toys, sharing the front seat, sharing music... and then one day it's not about sharing with siblings (which i seem to have had the hardest time with), it's about sharing your life. I'm at that point, and so ready to share, and luckily have found the specialest person to share with.


it's so easy, it's so easy, yeah...

My dear friend B says that it is, in fact, easy being green... so i've decided to think about the profound pondering in a more positive light. You know what, it is getting easier to be green.
my greenest moment of today was bringing home ice cream for the sleepiest sarah.
speaking of sarah, green and easy...
I actually turned to sarah yesterday and said, "it's never hard with you." what i meant was, it's easy... maybe i'm easy. when i think of my favorites in this world (favorite food, favorite color, favorite music, or favorite ice crem even), i know i could never have just pizza everyday. I couldn't bare a world of only purple, I'd even get sick of Ray if "trouble" played 24-7. Sure Chubby Hubby is good, but the only dessert i will ever eat again?!?! but sarah, she something i will be tickled pink about for all the rest of my days. how do i know this? because it has been so since day 1 and continues through this very moment. GREEN.


good samaritans

today was a day where we woke up and without words decided we were going to do good for the earth, and fellow earthlings. We began by taking care of some old business by phone and computer, no running around and using up gas. then we took a big donation of books to a man in beverly (not a man named beverly) for the men's prison in middleton... reduce reuse. then we saved a harliquin great dane from certain disaster as it ran playfully away from its person, with a greenie (aptly named dog treat). then we reduced the amount of litter on the beach in rockport by collecting sea glass to make into beautiful art. not bad for a tuesday in february. on our way home we saw beautiful sunbeams shining through the clouds, and for a split second i remembered my mom saying "it's beauty like this that makes me believe in god." i'm thinking it's mother nature and science, but we all need something to believe in.


jammies for the day

why get out of your jammies while on vacation, I ask you?

pajamas are cool and all, but have you heard of pajamagrams... that's kinda weird.

that's all i'm gonna say... stay tuned for more musings.

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