literally, snow is coming. you can smell it. the snow brings winter. winter brings a world of opportunity, especially this year. it is time. it is time to ski and snowshoe, to exercise and fall in love with the outdoors again.
snow also brings the dire need of snow tires and worries about "the worst road in the state". skis would be more effective transportation on a snow-filled day, i will admit, but i pledge to be safe. I have too many good things to get home to to chance not getting there.
tomorrow, no doubt, as i write the snowflakes will start to flutter, leaving a dandruff-like dusting on the already soggy ground. i will spy it sticking to the trees and will marvel at the shear glimmer of it all.
the smell brings back memories. they say that the olfactory sense is the one most strongly tied to memory, that smells can literally bring us back. i remember sledding down the road at wasserman park soaked to my core and still wanting more. i remember the blizzard like conditions that snowed myself and a core group of friends inside of my house. Gosh, i remember snow days, as a wee tike and last year, snuggled and content to watch the wite stuff delightfully short of ice. i remember being stuck in Maine for an extra day of vacation. Somehow being 'stuck' really has a positive connotation, but only when speaking of snow. i hope we are stuck in this winter for at least one day. some would say that i am crazy and that i better knock on some wood. i say bring the snow. i have everything i would need for a lifetime within the walls i reside.
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