

Two days ago was my grandmother's seventy-third birthday. I sent her flowers, wanted her to know I was thinking of her and how important she is to me. I can never remember if her address ends in lane or drive, so i decided to look it up. googlemaps and mapquest had no such address so I figured I would just google her to see if the sales announcement for her house was listed... nothing... but I did find her on a website called peoplefinder.com. It listed her as living in Merrimack, NH and aged 73. but then it had two little names next to hers (possible relations): Dana age 76 and Julie age 56. weird. dana was my grandfather who passed away almost 20 years ago, at the age of 57. it was so weird to see that he would be 76 if he were still alive and that according to some database somewhere he is 76. What would he be like at 76?

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